Field Monitoring & Recording


A wide range of Electronic Viewfinders and loupes and accessories to help you to compose, focus and set up each shot. Integral scopes assist with exposure QC, whilst hot-swap battery power offers continuous operation.


Field Recorders-Monitors

When out on a shoot, it's not always easy to view the camera's built in LCD monitor on the back. It's either not bright enough or too small for a group of people to see, plus, usuallly has very basic features to help you actually monitor your current situation for lighting etc.

Atomos' range of field monitors can also double as recorders in some models, like the Ninja V, which allows you to bypass recording limits on DSLR and DSLM cameras for indefinite recording length and sometimes, a bump up in colour.

SmallHD is now part of the Teradek family, as such, a few of the models of monitors now come with Teradek Bolt functionality for wireless transmission, so you don't have to remain static when monitoring or even operating the camera itself.

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Video Recorders and Players

Hardware recorders and storage solutions for all levels of video production, including AJA and Blackmagic. These pieces of hardware provide a simple and elegant solution to capturing all types of inputs for everything from backing up legacy sources or modern live productions. Utilise the player functionality for digital signage, video effects in your vision mixers and previewing what you've just captured. Record straight to a USB Stick, CFast or SD card or utilise Blackmagic's MultiDocks to get super fast SSDs into the mix.


Field Monitoring Accessories

Accessories and spare parts for popular Field Recorder-Monitors from Atomos, Blackmagic, AJA, SmallHD and Teradek.

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